Thursday, January 17, 2013

EoE Student Science Communication Project

The Encyclopedia of Earth (EoE- is an online source of information about the environment. The EoE differs from most other online sources because all articles are written by experts in the field and all articles are peer-reviewed before they are published. The EoE recently published its 7000th article and currently receives about 400,000 visitors each month.

The Student Science Communication Project (SSCP) at the EoE ( allows undergraduate and graduate students to collaborate with scientists to write articles that can be submitted for review and if accepted, ultimately published in the EoE. Students at Texas Tech were among the first to participate in the SSCP and thus far Tech students have authored over 30 published articles!

Most of your writing assignments this semester will be aimed at producing information that can be submitted to the EoE. When your articles are published you will have something notable to add to your resume, or at least have something for your parents to hang on the fridge.

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