Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Playa Lakes

Playas are an interesting, and relatively unique, ecosystem found on the Llano Estacado.




From the Sibley Nature Center

Playas http://www.sibleynaturecenter.org/habitats/playas/index.html

To see a good powerpoint presentation (1) click on the above link, (2) scroll down to the section entitled "Related Resources, and (3) click on the link "Playas and Playa Lakes" listed under "Overview".

Playa Lakes of the southern Llano Estacado: Southern High Plains http://www.sibleynaturecenter.org/habitats/playas/masternaturalistreport.pdf

Great Reference

Loren Smith, a former TTU professor, has written the best scholarly reference about playas.

Playas of the Great Plains. 2003. Loren Smith. University of Texas Press

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